Help Jun fight racism. Donate now.
With the rise of the racism pandemic and race-related hate incidents, it has never been more important for all of us to stand up against racial discrimination and implicit bias.
Help support the fight against racial discrimination in education by supporting Jun.
Your donations will be used to help cover debt incurred due to this legal fight. Please leave your contact information when donating -- if we collect more than needed or prevail, we will return your donation.
Donate securely via the form below. (Can't see the form? Access it online here.) To donate via WeChat or Alipay, scroll down for QR codes. (Can't see QR codes? Click here for WeChat QR code and click here for Alipay QR code.) 捐助时请留下您的联系方式,包括微信、邮箱等,有多余或赢了,会退还给您。谢谢!